Cusco In Ten Images

Machu Picchu and Llama

I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to create a gallery with ten images of Cusco! We’ve been to Cusco twice: once right after finishing graduate school, and one in 2019 after our one year trip around the world. Each time was very different, but both were incredibly fun and exciting. One definite advantage of visiting with the kids was the fact that they were an immediate ice breaker when it came to photographing people. The warm smiles our kids got were so special, and they really show in some of these photos.

Cusco is colorful, lively and very diverse, which makes it challenging to only choose ten images. The city is full of history everywhere, and it showcases some of the best Incan architecture in places like Machu Picchu or Sacsayhuaman, as well as some beautiful Spanish constructions, like the cathedral on the main plaza. Places like Moray will leave you in awe as you learn about the Incas’ study of soil, altitude and weather to improve their crops. Wandering around the streets of Cusco city can easily transport you back in time while you go up and down the narrow streets in this city surrounded by some of the tallest mountains in the world. Finally, the colorfulness of the people, the food and the culture will bring a smile to your face. Cusco truly has it all and more. I hope you enjoy these ten images of Cusco!

For more photo galleries from around the world, visit my photography page.