Tokyo In Ten Images

Tokyo busy streets

We visited Tokyo in 2016 as part of a two-week trip to Japan. Even though it’s been some years, I thought it’d be fun to put together my ten favorite images of Tokyo for our blog.

Tokyo truly is a photographer’s dream! It has incredibly unique architecture, beautifully manicured gardens, and modern buildings with lots of neon-light signs. There’s photographic opportunities all over the city, even in areas not traditionally considered touristy, which is always a treat!

Because we were traveling with a 2.5 year old, we were out very early in the morning and not a lot at night. Early mornings mean nicer light and thinner crowds, which was a treat given that Tokyo can get very crowded! That being said, I also loved capturing the huge crowds in places like Shibuya crossing!

Here are my favorite ten images of our time in Tokyo.

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