An Unexpected And Entirely Enjoyable Stay In Budapest

Hello everyone! We spent almost a week in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. We originally had planned on spending one full day in Budapest on our way from Lake Balaton to Nagymaros, a little town on the Danube in Hungary. Unfortunately, the Nagymaros rental property was a disaster and we decided to go spend our remaining four days somewhere else. After some on-the-fly decision making (we had to get out of that other place), we decided that it would be super fun to go back to Budapest and enjoy city life for a few days!

Towards the end of a long day!

Budapest is a super lively city! We loved it when we first visited in 2015, and we fell in love with it even more this time around. The city is full of cafes, restaurants, historical sites, churches, museums, parks and lots of playgrounds.

Unplanned dinner stop at a little park we encountered, which had food trucks, a bar, and picnic tables! (Eating ice cream made to order with liquid nitrogen!)

One amazing thing about Budapest is how easy it is to get around. There are bus, tram, and metro stations everywhere, and they’re well signed and easy to use. We bought an inexpensive 72-hour all-transit ticket and could easily move around the city on public transit. We basically could get anywhere in the city with only two trams, or two buses, or a metro, or a mix of these. We think Budapest might be the city with the best public transit of all the places we’ve visited!

The trams are very picturesque!

Here’s what we did during our time in Budapest:

  • We visited Buda Castle twice. The first time we visited in the late afternoon, hoping to see the sunset from atop Fisherman’s Bastion. The view from the castle is spectacular! You can see the Danube river, the Parliament, the iconic stone bridge, the basilica, and a lot more. It looks even better at sunset when it all is lit up in warm orange light. We did see the sunset, along with what felt like thousands of other people. On that visit, we also walked around Buda Hill, found some cannons and artillery guns and had a blast playing on them. Our second time visiting the castle, we were there around 8am to avoid the crowds and it was a totally different experience! There were almost zero people up there and we could freely explore the area without worrying about the kids running around. The light was also beautiful because of the low morning sun. We would recommend visiting the castle early; by the time we were leaving the grounds around 9-9:30, the first tour buses had rolled in.
No people when you’re there early!
“Take my picture here!”


  • We walked along the Danube and enjoyed watching Budapest’s iconic yellow trams go by. Along the river there are statues, with the most famous being the “Shoes on the Danube Bank,” which honors the people who were killed on the banks of the river during World War II. We visited this memorial in 2015 and didn’t get to it this time. We did find the sculpture of a boy sitting on the railings next to the train tracks and Hugo really enjoyed looking at it!

  • We went to Margaret Island—a pedestrian-only island in the Danube, which is all green space—to visit the Palatinus Strand, which is a kid-friendly bath. Budapest has many thermal baths, some of which are designed to provide more of an adult spa-type experience. The Palatinus Strand is more like a giant waterpark with many different pools and a few water slides. It is super fun!
The kids’ pool–one of many different fun swimming pools at Palatinus Strand!
  • We visited Szimpla Kert, one of the initial “ruin pubs” of Budapest. We learned while we were there that “ruin pubs” are a big hit in the city—they are trendy or artsy bars tucked away inside ruined factories or buildings. Szimpla Kert is a must-see in our opinion—it was inside an old factory without a roof, had maybe six different bars, and was filled with room upon room of crazy funky art. It was an awesome place to grab a beer and the kids were totally entertained checking out all the imaginative and wild art everywhere.
Operating a “control panel” in one of the rooms in Szimpla Kert. Every button caused something different to happen in a dark room full of wires–like lighting a light bulb, making a dragon’s eyes glow, make a dangling hair dryer turn on, making an emergency radio announcement play, and so on… imaginative, fun stuff!
  • We went up the Budapest Eye ferris wheel, which was fun for everyone.


View from the ferris wheel!
  • We visited Vajdahunyad Castle, which was built in 1896 for an exhibition. It contains elements of 1,000 years of Hungarian architecture and was a really neat place to see (we didn’t go inside; the interior currently houses a museum on agriculture).
Family photo with Vajdahunyad Castle in the background!
  • We stopped by a great children’s bookstore in the area of the city where we had stayed in 2015. In fact, we kind of retraced our steps a bit from our last visit and even ate at a delicious restaurant we had eaten 3 years ago—the waitress LOVED hearing this and seeing a picture of Hugo from that visit!
Play area inside the book store
  • We visited the Citadel, which is some impressive statues and walls high up on a hill. It is quite a hike to the top of the hill, which overlooks the city. The view is spectacular, but we had forgotten how many stairs it takes to get to the top. We went on a hot afternoon when the kids were already tired, so it was quite the endeavor to get to the top (we ended up with kids on our shoulders for much of the uphill!). On the way up, though, we discovered an awesome brand-new playground with tons of long slides built into the steep hillside. (Meaning our kids spent all their remaining energy on the playground and we had to carry them after that!)
View from the Citadel!
Awesome slide park that we discovered on the way up to the Citadel

We also just spent time checking out and enjoying the city. It’s just a fun city to experience. We really like Budapest and would highly recommend it!

Lemonade is delicious everywhere in Budapest–it usually had a lot of lemon and orange slices and was just a little fizzy. Very refreshing!

10 Replies to “An Unexpected And Entirely Enjoyable Stay In Budapest”

  1. Thank you for another incredible update. You are superstars. I miss you guys!

    1. Paola & Joe says:

      Hi Asa! We miss you too! Hugo has been doing some tracing and he’s remembered how you showed him to use the pencil correctly! Sending you lots of love!!!

      1. Excellent! We start back up on Wednesday with our new Owl group. Can’t wait!

        1. Paola & Joe says:

          So exciting!!! Good luck on the first day!!!

  2. Christine & Tom says:

    Your adventures continue to amaze us. It sure seems like you have been gone for many more months than you have. Boy that slide looks like fun! Your family photo from the Citadel is fabulous. You certainly look like you are having the time of your lives!
    Thanks for continuing to share with us.

    1. Paola & Joe says:

      Hello Christine and Tom! Glad you hear you continue to enjoy our posts! We’re in Ukraine right now and I (Paola) just got over a 3-day horrible stomach bug. We’ll send you more news soon! Miss seeing you!

  3. Jessica Presto says:

    Lovely! We didn’t get to visit the ruin bars while there, so I guess we have to go back! Also, that playground! Miss you all!

    1. Paola & Joe says:

      Miss you too!!! Really hoping we’ll be able to meet up somewhere in the next year! Lots of hugs!

  4. Craig Davis says:

    Just wanted to let you both know how much I always look forward to reading your posts on your travels. The fearlessness with which you experience all these places is inspiring. I never would have considered visiting Budapest (color me the stereotypical narrow-minded American); now I want to buy tickets immediately and take my wife and girls. Continue to enjoy every minute of your travels, and thank you for sharing with all of us.

    1. Paola & Joe says:

      Thanks for the thoughtful note Craig! It’s great to hear from you, and we’re happy you’re enjoying the blog! (And if you ever have any further Qs about any of these places, let us know!) Hope you’re doing well!

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