Switzerland In Ten Images

The Alps took my breath away. I could not stop photographing every change in the sky, in the clouds, and in the way the mountains looked at different times of the day under different lighting conditions. Such a gorgeous place to explore and to photograph!

3 Replies to “Switzerland In Ten Images”

  1. Tom and Christine Olivo says:

    Beautiful photos….where is the one with the kids and the cows with the big bells around their necks?
    We are enjoying all your adventures and especially the photos of the kids.
    Thank you for including us in your adventures.

  2. Absolutely jaw dropping!!! When I opened your blog I didn’t know where to start because I am not familiar with many places out of the US – We have so much to see – will take me a while to go through your blog but it looks inspiring already!! The first country I clicked on was Switzerland because I am in complete awe of these mountains and your pictures pretty much confirmed all my feels =) =)

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to read about our journey! Switzerland was high on my bucket list too and probably one of the places I was the most excited about seeing! It didn’t disappoint!

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