Packing List For A Year For A Family Of Four

Hi everyone! We are writing from Penang, Malaysia, where we are starting our year! We got here on Saturday around noon, after having left San Francisco on Thursday night. The 16-hour flight to Singapore went really well with the kids and we enjoyed a leisurely 5-hour layover at Changi airport before taking a short flight to Penang. The kids did really great on both flights, but it was a relief to finally arrive.

We will write separately about Penang. But first, as promised, we are sharing our packing list on this post. Like many parents we know, when we head out for the weekend it feels like we are trying to pack an entire apartment into our car. We usually end up packed to the roof, with no visibility out of the rear view mirror and stuff packed on the floor of the back seat and under our seats. Whether it’s one night or seven, once you have kids, it feels like bringing all of those things are necessary!

But when it comes time to board a plane, we prefer backpacks to suitcases because it keeps both hands free (helpful for wrangling children) and is easier for moving around, boarding buses, going up stairways, etc. We still aren’t free of all the kids stuff, though, and so our main solutions since having kids have been to (1) buy bigger backpacks, (2) pack less for ourselves, and (3) put a lot of advance thought into what stuff is actually necessary for the trip we are taking. We inevitably still end up filled to the brim, but hey, it’s backpacks and not a car.

For this trip, we worked on our packing list for months! We will be traveling for one year with two big backpacks, two daypacks (one is mainly a camera backpack), two kids rollie suitcases (which hold the toys, stuffed animals, kids travel pillows, and a blanket for each kid), and a stroller. We also threw in a carseat and booster seat, which we will be hauling around Malaysia for use in Eastern Europe (after which, we’ll look forward to passing on to someone else and not having to tote along).

Here’s the list!

Kids’ Stuff

  • Stroller
  • Scooters
  • Helmets
  • Elbow and knee pads
  • Stuffies (3 each)
  • Travel pillows
  • Toys (Legos, Lego Duplos, Matchbox cars, small construction trucks, one bigger car, squirt gun, small plastic animals)
  • Books
  • Coloring stuff & paintbrushes
  • Headphones
  • Toiletries
  • Kids Tylenol
  • Gummy vitamins
  • Activity books
  • Booster seat
  • Car seat
  • Puzzle
  • Camera
  • Binoculars
  • Harmonica
  • Travel kite
  • Sunscreen
  • Toy kitchen knife
  • Shovels
  • Nightlight
  • Sunscreen
  • Travel silverware
  • Changing pad
  • Diapers
  • Wipes

Hugo – Clothing

  • Rain boots
  • Rain coat
  • Rain pants
  • Socks
  • Underwear
  • Swimsuit (2)
  • Swim shirt (2)
  • Floaties
  • Swim goggles
  • Hat (summer)
  • Hat (winter)
  • Shorts (4)
  • Pants (4)
  • T-shirts (6)
  • Long sleeve shirt (2)
  • Puffy vest
  • Puffy jacket
  • Tennis shoes (2)
  • Water shoes
  • Long underwear
  • PJs (short and long)

Valentina – Clothing

  • Long underwear
  • PJs (one shorts, one long)
  • Tennis shoes (2)
  • Hiking sandals
  • Water shoes
  • Shoes to grow into
  • Zip up fleece
  • Puffy jacket
  • Rain coat
  • Rain pants
  • Rain boots
  • Swimsuits (2)
  • Hat (winter)
  • Hat (summer)
  • Tights (5)
  • T-shirts (4)
  • Socks
  • Pants (2)
  • Shorts (1)
  • Dresses (4)
  • Undershorts (2)
  • Light zipup
  • Cardigan
  • Long sleeves (2)

Joe – Stuff

  • Computer
  • Computer charger
  • iPhone
  • Chargers
  • Universal adaptor
  • Headphones
  • Bluetooth speaker & case
  • Headlamps
  • Leatherman
  • Toiletries
  • Pens
  • Printed confirmations
  • Travel books
  • Reading books
  • Writing books
  • Skateboard
  • Yoga mat
  • Sunglasses
  • First aid kit

Joe – Clothing

[Oops, Joe accidentally deleted the picture of his stuff from his phone…]

  • Running shoes
  • Beach shoes
  • Tennis shoes
  • Rain shoes
  • Water shoes
  • Rain pants / rain jacket
  • Swim suit
  • Underwear
  • Socks
  • T shirts (6)
  • Tank top
  • Shorts (2)
  • Running shorts
  • Pants (2)
  • Jacket
  • Puffy vest
  • Flannel longsleeve
  • Cardigan
  • Lightweight button up longsleeve
  • Longsleeve
  • Hat
  • Winter hat
  • Belt

Paola – Stuff

  • Computer
  • Computer charger
  • External hard drive & case
  • Camera & equipment
  • Polaroid camera
  • iPhone
  • Headphones
  • Toiletries
  • Reading books
  • Sunglasses
  • Spare glasses
  • Water bottles
  • Yoga mat
  • Purse

Paola – Clothing

  • Rain boots
  • Rain pants / rain jackets
  • Swim suits
  • Underwear
  • Socks
  • T-shirts (2)
  • Tank tops (6)
  • Shorts (2)
  • Pants (2)
  • Sandals
  • Tights (3)
  • Water shoes
  • Jacket
  • Puffy vest
  • Longsleeve zip up
  • Cardigan
  • Dresses (2)
  • Skirt
  • Flannel shirt
  • Scarfs (2)
  • Workout shorts
  • Workout top

12 Replies to “Packing List For A Year For A Family Of Four”

  1. Christine & Tom says:

    We just arrived home from our trip. Boy you two are brave, and also young which helps. Love your pictures of packing. Have a wonderful time. We look forward to you pictures and news. I am having trouble with iCloud so sticking with email. Love C & T

    1. Paola & Joe says:

      Glad to hear you arrived home safely!!! We will keep you updated! Love to you both too!

  2. Auntie Laurie says:

    Impressive! Will you destroy those clothes after a year of them?!

    1. Paola & Joe says:

      Hahaha We will definitely be ready for new clothes (or our old clothes from storage) after the year!

  3. Grandma and Grandpa Hansen says:

    What an awesome undertaking! Hope everything will be just wonderful for all of us. We’ll look forward to your posts! Love you guys!

    1. Paola & Joe says:

      Thank you! We are off to a great start on the trip, and we’ll aim to post regularly! Hope you are doing well too!

  4. Jessica Presto says:

    Awesome! We packed WAY more for our month in Europe! Can’t wait to hear how it all goes 🙂

    1. Paola & Joe says:

      That’s how we used to do it on our normal trips too! Being limited by space was a good motivation to keep things minimal! Looking forward to meeting up during the year!

  5. Rachel Magnusson says:

    SO thorough! It’s been fun watching you develope this packing list over the last few months and I love seeing the details!

    1. Paola & Joe says:

      It’s been months of carefully selecting the right items, as you know! 😉 Hugs to all of you!!

  6. Mizue and John says:

    Glad to hear you had a good flight(s). Hugo and Valentina are such troopers! It’s cold and drizzly in SF–been thinking about you all enjoying warm(hot?) weather in Malaysia.

    1. Paola & Joe says:

      Yes, It’s been very hot here. We are slowly adjusting to it! We are still talking about that lovely breakfast we had with you on our last day!!! 🙂

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